While the origin of ballroom dancing may be unclear, you may be familiar with this classic dance form, usually performed with a partner. Ballroom dancing is enjoyed in social and competitive environments across the globe. You may even want to learn to dance ballroom competitively or for fun. Either way, this popular dance style comprises four categories: International Ballroom, International Latin, American Smooth, and American Rhythm.

This article will focus on the distinction between International Ballroom dancing and International Latin Ballroom dancing.

Keep reading to learn more about these two styles and their differences. Then you’ll know how to identify the type you want to learn when you’re ready to take ballroom dance lessons.

What Is International Ballroom Dancing?

International Ballroom Dancing can be described as traditional and most recognizable. That’s because the dances in this category are centuries old. When you think of this dance style, imagine women in elegant ball gowns and men in formal wear.

The dances that fall under International Ballroom include:

Although you may have seen variations of these dances, they all use the closed frame position.

The closed position refers to the partners remaining in contact for the entirety of the dance. Picture one partner’s outstretched left hand holding the other partner’s right hand while both dancers place their opposite hands on each other’s shoulders. The dancers are expected to maintain that position as they move across the dance floor until they take their bows.

What Is International Latin Ballroom Dancing?

Latin Ballroom Dancing is the other international style that is highly competitive globally. It often involves fast footwork and sometimes sensual dance movements.

This modern style includes variations of the following dances: cha-cha, samba, rumba, paso doble, and jive. Positions can fluctuate from an open hold to a closed hold, a double handhold, or a single handhold. These dances typically convey a story between a man and a woman that’s so captivating that you’ll never get bored.

Learn to Dance International Ballroom vs. Latin 

International Ballroom and Latin may have similar steps, but their styles differ vastly. You’ll notice contrasts in the frame, movement, music, and timing.

International Ballroom Dancing uses a closed frame in all of its dances, but Latin dances tend to alternate between several positions. Movement in Latin dance is usually more passionate and fluid, with a mixture of hip motions and upper body isolations. Body movement in International Ballroom involves foot gliding and turning the body against the motion of the legs, which is called contra body movement (CBM). Finally, Latin Ballroom Dancing moves faster to match its more high-energy music. International Ballroom requires a couple to glide gracefully and effortlessly across a room at varying paces.

Enjoy the Benefits of Ballroom Dance Lessons

The biggest benefit of taking ballroom dance lessons is its positive impact on your physical health. This fun exercise helps burn calories, strengthen bones, improve balance and flexibility, and reduce stress.

In addition, international ballroom dancing is a social activity that connects people from different walks of life. No matter which style you choose to learn, the benefits of ballroom dance are endless. Don’t take our word for it; book a free lesson and see for yourself.


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