With a rising demand for Latin style, ballroom style and fitness-fusion dance lessons, you’re bound to find the perfect style to fit your beginner needs. If you’re located in the Nashville area, World Champion Productions may be the dance destination for you.

Starting a dance class can be somewhat daunting for a beginner. But there’s no need to worry! A positive experience is possible if you mentally prepare. In order to feel most comfortable during your first dance lesson, you may want to know a few things beforehand.

Here are the top things to know so you can prepare for your beginner dance lesson:

  • Don’t Stress
  • Athletic Gear is Important
  • Relax & Enjoy

Don’t Stress

Many people are intimidated when it comes to signing up for a dance class. The good news is that you have nothing to fear! Try to remember that you’re not alone when you feel nervous, so don’t be embarrassed to be a beginner. If anything, you’ll probably discover that other beginners feel just like you do!

Reminding yourself why these classes are referred to as beginner classes can help you better prepare for a beginner dance lesson. The rest of the class is probably just as intimidated as you are, so no one will expect you to know anything about any style of dancing yet. Now that you know how to relax, you can truly invest in your fun new hobby!

Pro Tip: If you’re uncomfortable with physical touch—especially with new people, you should always sign up for solo style lessons. However, even in those classes, your instructor may still occasionally touch you when they’re correcting your position. If physical contact is not something you will enjoy, dance lessons might not be the best choice for you!

Sign up for a FREE ballroom dance lesson with World Champion Productions!

Athletic Gear is Important

A person’s gym clothes can be enough to make them feel ready to head to the gym. Having said that, the same can be said for your first dance lesson! The act of dancing is a very physical activity since it requires the use of the whole body for long periods of time. You’ll likely move around quite a bit if you attend a dance class. A warming up routine will also likely be provided for you.

For the best preparation, you’ll want to try wearing workout gear for your first lesson, and then reassess as the lessons progress. Ideally, your beginner’s sneakers shouldn’t be too grippy. Please contact your instructor for more information about what shoes you should wear for your style of dance. After taking a few dance lessons, you may eventually move up to wearing more appropriate dresses and shoes. Feel free not to do so as a first lesson, though.

Relax & Enjoy

A dancer isn’t necessarily good at steps when learning a dance. When you approach your first class with a positive attitude, you will have a greater chance of success! It’s likely that you will need to learn the foundational steps such as connecting, moving, and placing your feet, while also being aware of your posture and core engagement.

Taking a ballroom dance class for the first time can be intimidating for any beginner. It is important to remind yourself that you are doing this for fun. When you take your first beginner level class, try to enjoy yourself as much as possible. Don’t give up if you don’t like dancing. Take a class at a different studio or try a different type of class. Try to remind yourself that the instructors of your dance class want you to succeed and have fun. After your first lesson, be sure to take advantage of your newfound love for dance and sign up for more classes! Remember the time-old saying, practice makes perfect.

Trying new things can be very scary, but so fun! Taking up beginner dance lessons can become a great way to move your body, make some friends or simply have a good time getting involved with a new hobby.

Contact World Champion Productions today and learn more about our various dance lesson opportunities.